kenrexford, on 2015-December-09, 11:48, said:
Consider, then, 11 to 12 HCP hands and balanced. You could pass these in MICS and have a pure canape expectation, or one suit 6+. Most of us don't like that idea. You could pass the 11 counts, open the 12s 1NT if you like the hand, and expand the range to 12+ to 15. Some don't like that large of a range.
For those like me who like to open a lot of 11s and 12s, an option is to add these into 1M openings. With no major, pass unless you consider the hand upgraded to 13, at least plausibly. Some trouble pattern 12s with a major might also be stretched to plaudible 13 upgrades.
With good pattern 11/12 and a major 4-5, or 44 majors, opening 1M is ok in MICS. There is an unwind described in my book to cater to this.
Never in MICS would you open 1D with balanced, with one exception. There is a lot to be said for treating a cov 5332 with 5M/3D as two suited, opening 1D planning to complete canape into the major.
I believe your book arrives in my mail box tomorrow. I have also printed out the link that PrecsionL had on his post which has a Canape section...I do love my weak 10-12/13 NT......Thanks, Ken