What is the right bid for south to make here? Thank you.
What is the right bid?
Posted 2015-August-06, 20:52
Posted 2015-August-06, 21:23
Posted 2015-August-07, 21:40
Adam1105, on 2015-August-06, 20:44, said:
What is the right bid for south to make here? Thank you.
You're asking in the wrong forum.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2015-August-09, 10:14
aguahombre, on 2015-August-06, 21:23, said:
While I don't disagree with what you are saying, my other way to raise spades is not appropriate for this hand, so I will force to game and, depending on the response, probably just bid 3♠ and let partner take the next move.
By the way, my opinion on this hand is consistent with your signature.
Posted 2015-August-09, 13:49
Adam1105, on 2015-August-06, 20:44, said:
What is the right bid for south to make here? Thank you.
You may have to say a few words about methods to get a usful response. SAYC, which you list as a system in your profile includes Jacoby 2NT. The booklet at SAYC says
Seems to fit the satiation. Of course this won't help unless you and aprtner are on the same wavelength about what happens next. As most play, after Jacoby then:
Partner rebids 4S. His weakest bid. i pass.
Partner rebids 3C or 3D. This shows a stiff or void. A good start. I bid 3H
Partner rebids 3H. Again, a stiff. I rebid 3S to see what happens next.
Partner rebids 3NT over 2NT. Forward going, no stiff. I'm not excited bu I bid 4H.
Partner bids 3S over 2NT. Very forward going, I bid 4H.
Imo, playing pick up with a US player, s/he is apt to play Jacoby and apt to play it this way. Still, undiscussed it is dangerous. There are other (also artificial) ways of playing the 2NT. So you have to know what you are playing.
But if you are playing SAYC then, unless discussed otherwise, you are playing Jacoby as described above because that is what the SAYC booklet says it is.
Posted 2015-August-09, 15:25
aguahombre, on 2015-August-06, 21:23, said:
How would like this hand if opener responded with either a 3 ♣ or a 3 ♥ shortness bid to J2N? Alternatively, how would you like this hand if opener jumped to 4 ♦ over J2N showing the 2 suiter?
I think in all those cases, you should at least show some slam cooperative slam interest. Over 3 ♣ shortness, I'd bid 3 ♥ showing the control. Over 3 ♥ shortness, I'd try 3 ♠ showing slam interest and see what partner does next. Over 4 ♦, the ♦ Q gains a bit of value as partner is hardly likely to jump in ♦s holding ♠ QJxxx at best without strong ♦s. So continuing with a 4 ♥ cue would be a no brainer.
Posted 2015-August-10, 05:00
As others have said, you want to eventually be in at least game in spades with this hand opposite almost any kind of natural 1♠ opening, but it's hard to answer your question without knowing what 1♠ means. If you are playing SAYC or some other SA variant, it's something like 12-21 starting points, 5+ spades, no longer suit, not suitable for a GF 2♣ opening, if balanced not suitable for a 1NT or 2NT opening. That's a pretty wide ranging bid, so you want to make a forcing response of some kind while keeping the bidding low enough to allow room for partner to start exploring for slam if he's interested in that. In a system like Precision, where 1♠ shows something like 11-15 HCP, not good enough for 1♣, which would be forcing, 5+ spades, no longer suit, not suitable for a 1 or 2NT opening, you probably just want to bid game slam is not likely.
In SAYC, as others have pointed out, you really have no other choice than the Jacoby 2NT response. In old style Goren, 3♠ was the GF raise, but modern practice is for 3♠ to be invitational or in some systems weak and preemptive, Where the opening 1♠ is limited in strength (e.g. Precision) you might have Jacoby 2NT or some other approach available, but as I said above, you probably just want to bid the game and get on with the play.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2015-August-10, 05:56
Antrax, on 2015-August-10, 05:38, said:
I had not noticed this, indeed I don't know how to figure this out.
As is probably clear from my reply, I took this as a question from someone who was not quite sure how to handle a hand that clearly belongs ion game but might be playable in slam. Someone who "plays SAYC", but a lot of people "play SAYC" and they definitely do not all play it as written.
If this is an expert player asking for advice from fellow experts, well, I am not an expert. But I still bid 2NT.
Posted 2015-August-10, 07:25
Posted 2015-August-10, 10:21
aguahombre, on 2015-August-06, 21:23, said:
It's not impossible to transfer captaincy back to the opener after jacoby 2nt. Depending on openers response we often use 3nt (never to play) to accomplish the transfer, showing a good minimum for the 2nt bid, a bit better than a jump to game. After that, cue the heart Ace if asked and then do whatever the opener tells you to do.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2015-August-10, 10:28
ggwhiz, on 2015-August-10, 10:21, said:
That is one use for 3N, but it would be unwise for any player to assume that this was the intention, undiscussed. For example, I think it is far, far better used to show ongoing interest but denying a club control, assuming partner had rebid 3 red or 3♠. I cannot construct a hand on which responder should bid 3N over a 3♣ call showing a stiff.
Posted 2015-August-10, 10:35
ggwhiz, on 2015-August-10, 10:21, said:
1M - 2NT (G/F raise)
3C( minimum) - ???
3D (Tell me more...)
3H/3S/3NT (YOU BE THE CAPTAIN, that's my shortage!)
Posted 2015-August-10, 12:08
mikeh, on 2015-August-10, 10:28, said:
A 3♥ cue followed by 4♠ should put opener back in the drivers seat and I can't construct a 3nt call over that either unless maybe 2 red kings or the club Ace and one or two. The 3nt call is thoroughly discussed as showing an upper end weak notrump but cue bidding (NOT 1st OR 2nd) is the overriding preference and that doesn't seize the captaincy either.
After a 3 red or 3♠ response 3nt showing interest but lacking a club control solves 1 problem and presents 2 more. Some interest or a lot of interest? Zero club control or 2nd round?
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2015-August-12, 04:48
WesleyC, on 2015-August-10, 10:35, said:
3C( minimum) - ???
3D (Tell me more...)
3H/3S/3NT (YOU BE THE CAPTAIN, that's my shortage!)
If you include a raise structure that handles maxi-splinters you can use these to show a side suit, which gets around the issue of whether to show the support or the side suit in the first instance, a common theme for BBF questions.
Posted 2015-August-17, 16:34
4 clubs shows four or more cards in spade support, with 2 of the top three honors, also an opening hand.
Says it all.
There is a bid for every hand in major suit support.
This bid in this system also denies a splinter, and shows a balanced hand.
If responder had had a splinter, with the same point count and the Ace King of trump, he would have shown this shape with an "overjump shift" , 3NT. Opener's four club bid would then ask "where is your splinter?"