Here is another hand from Batman-Superman match.
As south I led ♥ (we play att leads)
T2-♦4-3-Q-9 (we play udca)
Now I hoped to get in to pd's hand with spade so he can play a ♥ while I still have ♦A. so I played ♠T
Where am I now? I know declarer has probably 3 spades+5 diamonds+3 hearts+2 clubs.
What are my tricks? We already had 2 tricks. Pd's signal indicates that he has nothing in spades. Nothing in hearts and nothing in diamonds. What do I need him to hold? Club A of course. So far this is what went through my mind. So which club to play? Who has the ♥ 6 and if declarer has it why did he not win first trick with 6? Maybe he is false carding me, but this makes him hold stiff ♣ for his 2 NT bid.
We need at least 3 tricks. If I play small ♣ and if pd has AJ we will get 2 more tricks. So I need to find pd with AJT(x) ♣ or AT8x (which makes declarer hold stiff J for his 2 NT bid)
So I dragged my mouse over ♣Q but then I stopped and asked myself "How many tricks does declarer have?" 3♠+3♦+2♥ =8 !! Which means we do not need to take our 5 tricks immediately!
I did the hard work, and played a small ♣ but was criticized by a kibitzer later for not playing ♣ Q. Which wins when pd has AJT(x) or AT8x. But small ♣ wins when pd has AJT(x) also because pd takes and exits with spade! Declarer does not have 9 tricks. Small ♣ also wins when declarer has Jx ♣ and misguesses. He needs to guess this because otherwise pd will win and play a ♥. ♣ Q wins when declarer has stiff J. And that was what he had
Please tell me if I am missing something.