Incidentally, even if, and this is a huge 'if', there were any validity to the notion that one 'race' (whatever that term means) has greater or lesser abilities in any given realm of human activity than another, it seems almost surely to be 'on average'.
The notion that a Chinese or Japanese or other 'oriental' is going to be better at math than a white or black or brown person (assuming that we define oriental to exclude these 'categories') is nonsensical.
I recently read of an explanation for why Africans or those of fairly recent African extraction (read: descendants of slaves) tend to be disproportionally represented in the higher ranks of athletes.
That notion is that it has nothing to do with any inherent 'racial' characteristic, but is rather reflective of the basic fact that those 'races' based in Africa exhibit a greater variety of DNA/genetic makeup than do populations based in other parts of the world.
This makes sense to me, if we assume, as appears to be likely, that homo sapiens sapiens originated in Africa, spread widely throughout the continent, and then saw small populations emigrate out of the continent.
Those small populations would be closely linked genetically and would represent a narrow range of genetic diversity, being a subset of the genetic diversity that remained in Africa and continued to diversify.
Hence in Africa we find peoples who, on average, are taller than peoples elsewhere, and we also find peoples who are smaller than elsewhere....the range of human expression is greater in Africa than elsewhere.
Thus those at one end of the bell curve, the 'normal' distribution of human abilities, are likely to be further 'out', to either end of the curve, in African based populations than those whose genome went through the bottleneck of a small population leaving Africa.
For every Kenyan marathon runner, there will be someone else from an African background who is even more inept at distance running than I am! Because the base of their bell curve is simply wider than the base of the bell curve of those of my ancestors who left Africa for Europe all those years ago.
As for cognitive issues, there I am not so sure, but I do think that culture, opportunity (read: wealth, education) and expectations play a huge role, and my uninformed lay speculation is that culture effects swamp genetic effects in cognitive matters.
For example, having reference to the presence of Jews in many aspects of western culture involving use of intellectual skills, consider the cultural history of the West over the past 1000+ years.
It is only recently (in historical terms) that Jews have been allowed to be politicians, or to join the 'right' business clubs. It is only recently, again in historical terms, that gentiles were allowed to charge interest!
So Jews traditionally tended to be present in disproportionate numbers in banking, and the professions associated with banking, including law and accounting. They couldn't be 'gentlemen'. They had to earn their money, and for many of them that required getting a good education in arithmetic and accounting at a time when upper class gentiles scorned those who earned a living, and thought that studying ancient greek and memorizing the roman poets was the highest form of education.
Not surprisingly, children tend to some degree to follow in the footsteps of their father (bear in mind we are speaking of a time when women were chattels or ornaments or baby factories), and so cultural expectations would grow.
Is this valid or mere armchair speculation? I don't claim to know, but I do offer these thoughts in support of my view that it is wrong to posit or infer that any group of humans, identified by the frankly bizarre term 'race', have any innate advantage or disadvantage over others, as opposed to the material advantages that arose from the sort of factors described by Diamond in his wonderful book Guns, Germs and Steel.
Edit: Richard, characteristically, summarized what I was trying to say in a post that he put up while I was meandering though mine
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari