Posted 2014-June-28, 10:14
Here's a rough draft. We handle GI+ 4 spades elsewhere so relaying in effect shows 5+ spades.
1N-4+ diamonds or 2533 or 3532
.....2C-GI+ relay (hence 5+ spades). GI breaks relay at some point
..........2H-higher short
..........2S-2533, 2542, 3532
..........etc-lower short
2C-4+ clubs
.....2D-GI+ relay (hence 5+ spades). GI breaks relay at some point
..........2S-higher short
...............3C-GF relay?
..........etc-lower short
2H-good raise
.....2S-sign off
..........etc-4 spades
2S-bad raise
Any better or simpler ideas?
Posted 2014-June-28, 14:31
1N-4+ diamonds or 2533 or 3532
.....2C-GI+ relay (hence 5+ spades). GI breaks relay at some point
..........2D-2533 or 3532
...............2H-GF relay
..........2S-higher short
...............3C-GF relay?
..........etc-lower short
2C-4+ clubs
.....2D-GI+ relay (hence 5+ spades). GI breaks relay at some point
..........2S-higher short
...............3C-GF relay?
..........etc-lower short
2H-good raise
.....2S-sign off
..........etc-4 spades
2S-bad raise
Posted 2014-June-28, 20:44
But if you want to relay, I suggest it would be better to play:
1♥-1♠-1NT... 2♣ = puppet to 2♦ for signoff or invite
... 2♦ = GF relay
1♥-1♠-2♣... 2♦ = GF relay (4th suit GF)
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2014-June-28, 21:10
As an aside, I do like relays but I also like that if I can find a relay continuation there is just less we have to memorize.
Posted 2014-June-29, 23:03
1N-4+D or 2533
.....2C-forces 2D (thanks)
.....2D-GF ask
..........2H-4D, higher or even or 2533
..........2S-4D, lower
.....2D-GF ask
..........2H-4C, higher or even
..........2S-4C, lower
.....2S-GF with 5+ spades. Not a relay ask
2H-good raise of spades
.....2N-GI, nf opposite 3 spades
2S-bad raise of spades
.....as for 2H
Not sure if the sixth heart should be shown with a 2D rebid or a 2H rebid. Also not sure what we would use 1H-1S, 2D-2H for if 2D is a good raise of spades.
Some of the bad here is that we wind up in some 4-3 spade fits with balanced hands. We have to rebid 1N with 3550 and 0553. We don't get to show balanced hands unless partner can relay.
The good is mostly that the relays are two steps lower than before. We also get to show GI 6S hands at the 2-level after either 1H-1S, 1N or 1H-1S, 2C. I think there are more wins than losses.
I suppose 1H-1S, 2D could be the 3-cd raise and then 2H would ask min/max. Alternately, 2N could ask the nature of the 3-cd raise. This would leave 1H-1S, 2S as a 4-cd raise and 2N would relay for shape. We'd be in a 9-cd fit here so the relays being a tad higher would not really be a problem.
Posted 2014-June-30, 00:28
2D-3-cd raise?
.....2H-doubleton heart
..........P-11-13 balanced (3523 or 3532)
2S-4-cd raise
.....2N-GF relay
It might be worth trying to bail in 2H (5-2 fit) because if responder has 4 spades he has less than GI.
Posted 2014-June-30, 00:59
1H-1S showing 5+ if GI+ or 4-5 if less than GI
1N-4 diamonds or 2533
.....2C-forces 2D for sign off or invite
...............2H-GI, 2-fit
...............2S-GI, 5S?
.....2D-GF relay
..........2H-4D, higher or even short
..........2S-4D, lower short
.....2S-6S, GI?
2C-4 clubs
.....2D-GF relay
..........2H-4C, higher or even short
..........2S-4C, lower short
.....2S-6S, GI
2D-3514, 3541, 3523, 3532
.....2H-2-fit, sign off
.....2S-sign off
..........3S-3532, 6
.....2S-GF, 5+S, no relays
Posted 2014-June-30, 06:46
-2♦ forces 2♥ for sign off or invite
-2♥ GI
-2♠ GF relay
Relays are at +1 but having 2♥ as GI is more important.
Posted 2014-June-30, 07:56
yunling, on 2014-June-30, 06:46, said:
-2♦ forces 2♥ for sign off or invite
-2♥ GI
-2♠ GF relay
Relays are at +1 but having 2♥ as GI is more important.
Thank you. There's a lot of upside to that idea.
I'm kind of debating whether 1H-2S should be GI 6 instead of the weak jump shift we use currently. This would let us get back to hearts more often (such as 1H-1S, 2H) when opener has a 6-cd suit.
We could also do
1H-1S, 2C
.....2D-GI+ relay
...............P-GI with tolerance
...............2S-GF relay at +1
..........etc-relays at +0
but that is probably too complicated for our liking.
Adam, what do you think of Yunling's idea and do you think (not having GI 4 spades contained in our 1S response) that we should use 1H-1S, 2D-2H as trying to get back to hearts after discovering a 4-3 spade fit? Or do you think it's just too important to show good vs bad spade raises? I'm guessing you prefer the latter.
Posted 2014-June-30, 21:08
straube, on 2014-June-30, 07:56, said:
The 1♥-1♠-2♣-2♦ inv+ relay version seemed fine to me, but I agree Yunling's idea is better than what I originally suggested (actually got from Noble Shore, although I may have misremembered his method).
I like to show good vs. bad raises, but also use 2♥ in the auction you gave to get back to hearts opposite a three-card raise. There are plenty of 3-card raises in 2♦ also. My opinion on this is somewhat different in a "standard" system though where there are hard-to-bid 3-card support and extras hands that just don't exist in strong club, and where light openings and responses don't tie you into needing two invites.
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2014-July-01, 10:23
As long as 1H-1S, 2D-2H shows 4S/2H and minimum, it would be handy if 1H-1S, 2D handled both 3532 and 3523 (because then we could get back to a 2H contract) but I imagine they usually (when 11-12) raise spades weakly (1H-1S, 2S) and only strongly when 13.
Posted 2014-July-01, 12:35
1N-4 diamonds or 2533
.....2C-forces 2D for sign off or invite
...............2H-GI, 2-fit
...............2S-GI, 5S?
.....2D-GF relay
..........2H-4D, higher or even short
..........2S-4D, lower short
.....2S-6S, sign off
2C-4 clubs
.....2D-GF relay
..........2H-4C, higher or even short
..........2S-4C, lower short
.....2S-6S, sign off
alternate 2C-4 clubs continuations
.....2D-GI+ relay
...............2S-GF relay
....................2N-4C, higher or even short
..........2S-4C, higher or even short
.....2S-6S, sign off
2D-13-15, 3514, 3541, 3523, 3532, 3S/6H or 4S
.....2H-2-fit, sign off
.....2S-sign off
.....2N-GI 4S 10-11
.....3C-GF ask
..........3D-3523, 3532
..........4C-4S, higher
..........4D-4S, lower
2H-6H, not 3S unless 12
.....2S-GF, 5+S, no relays
2S-13-15 raise
.....3C-GF ask
Would like something more mnemonic for the 2D and 2S spade raises. Maybe we don't have to ask at all as responder will have 5 spades if he ventures to the 3-level for either raise.
Posted 2014-July-02, 02:01
To me it makes sense to use 1H-1S as two-way: forcing NT (0-4 spades) or relay. Then 1H-1NT shows 5+ spades (you could play it as less than GF if you want to relay with all GF hands). This also frees up 1H-2C for other uses, perhaps some awkward hand, some kind of GI, support showing, transfer to diamonds, or just non-forcing. There's ofcourse downsides too since you haven't established a GF yet (if fourth hand bids) and it will probably be harder to play 1NT (since 1H-1S; 1NT would be balanced or diamonds).
Posted 2014-July-02, 09:14
Kungsgeten, on 2014-July-02, 02:01, said:
To me it makes sense to use 1H-1S as two-way: forcing NT (0-4 spades) or relay. Then 1H-1NT shows 5+ spades (you could play it as less than GF if you want to relay with all GF hands). This also frees up 1H-2C for other uses, perhaps some awkward hand, some kind of GI, support showing, transfer to diamonds, or just non-forcing. There's ofcourse downsides too since you haven't established a GF yet (if fourth hand bids) and it will probably be harder to play 1NT (since 1H-1S; 1NT would be balanced or diamonds).
We play 1H-1S as spades. If responder has 4 spades and GI values he responds 2C and then bids anything but step 1 after opener's rebid to show that he has GI 4 spades and not a GF hand. GF hands relay opener's hand for full shape. So if we have 5 spades and GI+ strength we start with a 1S response. We also use 1H-2S as GI 6 spades.
I think we want 1S to be 4+ spades so as to find our 4/4 spade fits. Not sure how you accomplish this if 1S is 0-4 spades but perhaps it can be done.
Here's what we agreed on and it's not optimum but doesn't overly tax our memories.
1N-4+ diamonds or 2533
.....2C-forces 2D for pass or invite
.....2D-GF relay
.....2S-sign off
2C-4+ clubs
.....2D-GF relay
.....2S-sign off
2D-3-4 spades and 13-15, may have 3523,3532, 3514, 3541, 3S6H, any with 4S
.....2H-weak, 4S/2H
..........P-3S or 4S/6H
.....2S-sign off
.....2N-4S, roughly 11 hcps
.....etc-game tries with 5+ spades (note that GI+ with 4 spades is not possible)
2H-6H, could have side minor, could have 3S if minimum
.....2S-GF 5 spades
.....3m-GF 5/5
2S-3-4 spades and 10-15, same shapes as for 2D except not 6H
2N-max, 6H/5m
.....3D-asks the minor
.....3H-to play
3m-max, 5H/6m
3S-invitational, likely 5 spades
Posted 2014-July-04, 00:49
1N = 3+ diamonds
...Pass = Possible
...2C = Puppet to 2D, as suggested by awm
...2D = R.
......2H = Bal
......2S = Three-suited
......2N = Long legged
......3C+ = Short legged
...2H = To play
...2S = INV, 4 spades, suggests a 4-3 fit
...Other = Nat INV (presumably)
2C = 4+ clubs or 3-5-2-3
...Pass = Club preference
...2D = R. Responses as over the 2D relay above.
...2H = Preference
...2S = INV, 4 spades, suggests a 4-3 fit
...Other = Nat INV
2D = 4 spades, short legged
...Pass = Possible, though unlikely
...2HS = Preference
...2N = R.
...Other = Nat INV.
2H = 6+ hearts, single-suited
...2S = R.
...Other = Nat INV.
It is also possible to make 2H be either bal or three-suited, and then 2S could be short legged min.
Posted 2014-July-04, 08:27
If 1S promises spades then opener is able to raise spades which gives him 5 likely rebids instead of 4. So sometimes we're misdirected (into a Moysian spade fit when some other fit may be better) but using IMPrecision rebids, we're also able to show min/max spade raises (3 or 4 fit) instead of showing 4 spades 10-15.
A plus for your structure is that you can relay at +0 or better while when we don't have five spades we're relaying at +1.
Posted 2014-July-04, 14:11
Over 1H--1N I guess the continuation would be very natural (as is the case if playing Kaplan Inversion/Interchange, which this basically is). I guees 2m would be 3+ suit, while 2M is natural. 2NT could be max with support and 3X would be natural with extras. I haven't played the structure suggested, just a thought.
Posted 2014-July-06, 03:41
……1♠=weak with 0-4♠/invite with 4-5♠/GF relay
…………1NT=bal or 4+♦
………………2♣=force 2♦, SO or any inv
………………2♦=GF relay
……………………2♠+=5+♥-4+♦,step +0
………………2♦=inv+ relay
………………2♠=nat inv
………………2NT=GF relay, step +1
……1NT=weak with 5+♠
…………2♠=can be doubleton
……2♣=♦ NFB, or invite with 0-3 or 6+♠
…………2♦=nothing special
………………Pass=♦ NFB
………………else=nat inv
…………else=nat max, promising 3♦
……2♦=good ♥ raise
……2♥=bad ♥ raise
……2♠=weak 6+♠