Action over 1NT?
Posted 2014-May-14, 16:25
South would do better to spend his time asking North why he had failed to make the obvious trump lead.
Posted 2014-May-14, 19:03
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2014-May-15, 06:58
wank, on 2014-May-14, 10:22, said:
Had it been matchpoint scoring I could very easily have been persuaded that passing was not a logical alternative.
jallerton, on 2014-May-14, 16:25, said:
In my poll I asked players what they would bid with the East hand, and once they had answered, whether they thought bidding was suggested over passing by the knowledge that partner had an opening bid. (They were the sort of people who would know what this meant.) I wasn't convinced that it was, but the players I consulted were. I suppose it depends how likely partner is to make a jump or forcing response. I'm not quite sure why he did on the actual hand, I wondered whether it was an odd attempt to hang his own side after committing an infraction.
jallerton, on 2014-May-14, 16:25, said:
That was so bad I considered it might be classed as a serious error, but NS were not strong players, and in any case it's not related to the infraction.
Posted 2014-May-15, 08:14
Posted 2014-May-15, 08:33
VixTD, on 2014-May-15, 06:58, said:
It is when a serious error is not related to the infraction that it may lead to the NOS losing restitution for the damage it caused.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2014-May-15, 10:08
VixTD, on 2014-May-13, 06:54, said:
- If you anchor to the weaker suit then LAs are 2♦ = 10, 2♥ = 8, Pass = 7, 2♣ = 6.
- Partner's attempt to bid out of turn is UI to you.
- Pollees confirm that the UI suggests bidding rather than passing (although, admittedly, bidding risks getting too high).
- It might be "obvious" to lead a trump but failure to do so isn't a serious error (as defined by the rules).
Posted 2014-May-16, 06:30
blackshoe, on 2014-May-15, 08:33, said:
Yes, I worded that badly, I mean if it were classed as a serious error (for a better player, for instance) it could have warranted application of law 12C1(b) because it was unrelated to the infraction.
Posted 2014-May-16, 11:23
nige1, on 2014-May-15, 10:08, said:
- If you anchor to the weaker suit then LAs are 2♦ = 10, 2♥ = 8, Pass = 7, 2♣ = 6.
You have four spades and five hearts. You have a bid which shows four spades and five hearts. It's not remotely logical to make a bid that shows five spades and four hearts, or a bid that shows a one-suiter in hearts.
Posted 2014-May-16, 13:29
gnasher, on 2014-May-16, 11:23, said:
Posted 2014-May-16, 14:35
nige1, on 2014-May-16, 13:29, said:
That's quite true. In fact, it doesn't have to be logical at all. It merely has to pass the test "would be given serious consideration by a significant proportion of such players, of whom it is judged some might select it".
That's not sufficient to make it a logical alternative. For 2♣ or 2♥ to be an LA, there has to be a possibility that they'd actually bid it, knowing that there was an alternative call which accurately describes your hand. So, might you choose 2♣ or 2♥? If not, do you know anyone who might?
[Edited to the extent that it's unrecognisable as the child of the earlier post.]
This post has been edited by gnasher: 2014-May-16, 15:00
Posted 2014-May-16, 15:22
gnasher, on 2014-May-16, 14:35, said:
It's hard to judge LAs. In Magazine bidding competitions, some expert panellists choose actions that are hard to understand.
In any case, others have pointed out that the definition of LA should be widened to include seemingly illogical alternatives.
For example, here, nobody suggested double as an LA. Had double been chosen, however, the director might treat it as an "LA" suggested by partner's bidding-box performance.
Posted 2014-May-17, 02:34
VixTD, on 2014-May-15, 06:58, said:
I like your procedure. My previous reply said what the UI suggested to me, but for this ruling, you as TD have to decide what the UI suggested to this particular East player.
jallerton, on 2014-May-14, 16:25, said:
VixTD, on 2014-May-15, 06:58, said:
I consider the failure to find the trump lead to be an error, but it is nowhere close to being a serious error. Serious errors are things like revokes and
"blatantly ridiculous calls or plays, such as ducking the setting trick against a slam, or opening a weak NT with a 20-count." (to quote the White Book).
Posted 2014-May-17, 02:41
gnasher, on 2014-May-16, 11:23, said:
You must be used to Nigel's marking scheme by now. Nigel always gives high marks to his 2nd, 3rd (and 4th) choices, trying to simulate the marks that might be awarded in a magazine problem. He's not as far out as you think, because in magazine panels the respondents often haven't read the system and tend to guess what the system is or even just assume that their own favourite system is in use.
Of course, I agree that when assessing logical alternatives we need to know the player's knowledge of the methods in use.
Posted 2014-May-17, 22:55
nige1, on 2014-May-16, 15:22, said:
For example, here, nobody suggested double as an LA. Had double been chosen, however, the director might treat it as an "LA" suggested by partner's bidding-box performance.
Regulators declared that the action chosen by the player in question is always considered an LA mainly to prevent them from using random or gambling bids as a loophole in the UI laws. "But the bid I chose wasn't even an LA, so how could I have violated the law against choosing amongst LAs?"
Posted 2014-May-18, 11:47
Absent my knowledge of some of the idiosyncrasies (like this one) of the lawmakers, I would (and did, on first reading years ago) assume that "from among logical alternatives" means exactly what it says. The lawmakers have had ample opportunity to change the wording if they intended some other meaning. Instead they've applied this "fudge". Pfui. They should get their act together.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2014-May-18, 14:56
blackshoe, on 2014-May-18, 11:47, said:
Not if the psych is suggested by the UI.
Why not? If partner gives you the UI that he has a weak hand with a lot of hearts and short spades, that demonstrably suggests psyching a spade bid.
Posted 2014-May-18, 16:16
gnasher, on 2014-May-18, 14:56, said:
Why not? If partner gives you the UI that he has a weak hand with a lot of hearts and short spades, that demonstrably suggests psyching a spade bid.
Not to me it doesn't. What's your logic?
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2014-May-18, 16:27
barmar, on 2014-May-17, 22:55, said:
Posted 2014-May-18, 17:09
nige1, on 2014-May-18, 16:27, said:
I suspect it is neither, but perhaps Barry has access to information which I do not. It is, however, an interpretation given to me by Grattan Endicott on either blml or rgb some years ago.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2014-May-19, 01:12
nige1, on 2014-May-18, 16:27, said:
It's in a WBFLC minute from Philadelphia in 2010:
Item 3.
Before South opened, West had taken hold of and lifted some cards in the bidding box, but not withdrawn them. I was called at this point. I decided that no call had been made, and the auction should proceed with the knowledge that West has an opening bid unauthorized to East, who must be careful to avoid using this information to his advantage. I told NS to call me back at the end of play if they thought they might have been damaged, or if they were unsure.
EW called me back and told me the auction, and that West had made nine tricks after North led a club. What do you think about this one?