Posted 2014-January-09, 22:51
First for your calculations, as noted above you missed the chances of a doubleton ♦Q or ♥JT or ♥JTx as well, I guess spade queen doubleton. Also you are assuming clubs are worth 5 tricks, which they might not happen. But let's assume that clubs do in fact run (thus no worse than 4-2).
How would you play the hand if the @SJ was replaced by the lowest outstanding spade? Would you be surprised that the hand would be makeable somewhere above 90% even in that case (assuming you can read the position correctly)? The only failing cases are when EAST holds four hearts and West the @DQxx or better and spades are divided 3=4 or 4=3. If spades are 5=2 or 2=5 you would have a simple squeeze. If the red suits were reversed you would have a double squeeze. If the red suits were in the same hand you would have a simple squeeze.
Now you have the ♠J on this hand. This raises the bar. The failing hand (West with ♦Qxx(x) and east with four + hearts no longer works. Who has the ♠Q? If East, you are back on a squeeze (Well a show-up squeeze), but if West it, you will still be defeated. This cuts the failing case in half from the hypothetical hand where you lacked the ♠J.
Now the fact that some squeeze will work (heart-diamond on West, heart-diamond on East, double squeezes either hearts on west-diamonds one East spades both and some squeezes where the small diamond in dummy is a threat card not the ♦Jack in hand) does not mean you will manage to cash your winners in the correct order for the squeeze that works at the table.
So let's take a look at how you might play the hand. First, you make if diamond queen is singleton or doubleton, that happens about 18.5% of the time. IF that fails, you can try for JT or JTx of hearts, that happens about 10.3% of the time (but, this doesn't help you if the ♦Q has fallen, so you have to take the 10% of the 81.5% of the time the diamond queen didn't fall, or about 8.2% of the time. So after no luck dropping the red suit honors, 26.7% of the spade finesse will work about 50% of the remain (100-26.7) or 1/2 of the 73.3% or roughly 36.6%. Adding this up, 36.6 + 8.2 + 18.5 = 63.3%.
So the question is which squeeze line offers the best chance (one that is better than 63.3%). The good news the ♦Q is greatly likely to be to your right. So at the very least you have a show-up squeeze on East in case west has doubleton ♠Q. This line gives you the same 63.3% chance plus the chance to drop the ♠Q off side doubleton. So you know it has to be better than the simple spade hook after cashing winners. However, it also has a huge additional bonus chance. If West happens to have four (or more) hearts and the spade queen then this line is also a legit squeeze on him (it would even work if you didn't have the spade jack but a low spade, btw) when you were hoping to show-up squeeze East. So this has to be much better than the 63.3 line where you cash all side suit winners before trying the spade finesse. If this fails, it means East had four hearts and the diamond queen where a different squeeze would have worked, but you can't try them all. For that squeeze to work, you had to cash spades early.
Anyway, I am not great at math, but this might help you compare lines, even if the above rambling is wrong, figuring out where I went off the rails will be useful.