Posted 2014-January-05, 11:45
Whether X shows four hearts depends on what sor tof hann starts off responding 1♦ to 1♣. If W would always bid his hearts in preference to diamonds unless he has opening hand strength, then X is not needed to show four hearts, he would simply bid 3♥ showing a strong and shapely hand. But if W would bid 1♦ holding, say, five diamonds, four hearts and ten points then yes, I think that X should show four hearts.
If I, as W, can double w/o showing four hearts that's my choice. If partner bids NT I raise, if he bids 3♣ I am going to rebid my diamonds since I have six of them and, since I forced partner to bid I should not put too much weight on his 3♣ call. On this hand of course we easily get to 3NT over the X.
I suppose that it is possible partner will pass my X for penalties but not often I would think. If East's club deauc is changed to a spade deuce he might well do it, and I guess it will work out.
If X shows four hearts then I start with 3♠. It uses up a level of bidding, which could cost in later clarity, but I can't help that.