If a 3 ♠ bid shows a solid suit, does this qualify?
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The Misadventures of Rex and Jay--#6545 How Solid is Solid?
Posted 2013-December-31, 17:16
microcap, on 2013-December-31, 17:07, said:
You hold
If a 3 ♠ bid shows a solid suit, does this qualify?
If a 3 ♠ bid shows a solid suit, does this qualify?
If 2♦ was GF, no for me. If not, then change my vote to yes.
"I suggest a chapter on "strongest dummy opposite my free bids." For example, someone might wonder how I once put this hand down as dummy in a spade contract: AQ10xxx void AKQxx KQ. Did I start with Michaels? Did I cuebid until partner was forced to pick one of my suits? No, I was just playing with Brian (6S made when the trump king dropped singleton)." David Wright
Posted 2013-December-31, 18:02
The misadventure numbers do seem to be rising consistently. Do you just increment them randomly, or is this a serious count?
Videos of the worst bridge player ever playing bridge:
Posted 2013-December-31, 19:35
I think waiting for a solid suit wastes bidding opportunities. I prefer to make these jumps with a Very Good Suit (some specific auctions require a truly solid 6+ suit), and my standard for a VGS would be 5+ winners and at most 1 loser opposite a small stiff. This is informative enough that partner can evaluate his cards, and enables the showing of a source of tricks much more frequently than the solid suit requirement. When I'm playing SJS or XYZ, the HCP requirement varies a bit with the solidity factor. As always, YMMV.
Posted 2013-December-31, 22:43
Flem72, on 2013-December-31, 19:35, said:
I think waiting for a solid suit wastes bidding opportunities.
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