Hi, I was wondering how others handle jump rebid auctions and what they do with them. I'm thinking auctions like:
1♣ - 1♥ - 3♣
1♥ - 1♠ - 3♥
(I'm assuming that these bids mean approximately 16-18 points and 6 of the suit in question)
Do you use any particular assumptions on how to proceed? How do you look at handling NT (or do you even consider it)? What if you have more than 16-18 points and no 2nd suit - do you handle them differently? If you are responding to these auctions, what do you do if you have a void or a non-honour singleton? Especially if you have a rebiddable suit too?
Any ideas would be appreciated as I tend to guess and lose games here or even play in the wrong game.
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Jump rebid auctions - how do other people handle this?
Posted 2013-December-25, 18:45
On those auctions we believe Pass and 3NT should be to play. New suit forcing, rebid of responder's suit forcing, Raise of opener's jump rebid minor to 4=slammish strong. The key for us is that the jump rebid itself, although strong, is limited. If opener were stronger he would manufacture a jump shift or do something which creates a game force.
On the 1H-1S-3H start, we use 4m as slammish for the heart suit.
On the 1H-1S-3H start, we use 4m as slammish for the heart suit.
"Bidding Spades to show spades can work well." (Kenberg)
Posted 2013-December-26, 19:29
Consider using a 3NT rebid for single-suited hands of more than "18 points" (at most a good 5 losers). This always guarantees 6 cards. Depending on your 2-level opening structure it might promise exactly 6 in a major, for example if you have an opening to show 8PT in a suit then that's surely worth using on a 7cM with 4 losers.
I much prefer this to manufacturing a 3om jump-rebid or similar. Why show 5 of your cards when you can show 6?
I much prefer this to manufacturing a 3om jump-rebid or similar. Why show 5 of your cards when you can show 6?
Posted 2013-December-26, 19:53
ahydra, on 2013-December-26, 19:29, said:
I much prefer this to manufacturing a 3om jump-rebid or similar. Why show 5 of your cards when you can show 6?
One reason might be that on 1H-1S-3N, we can show 13 cards instead of 6....1-6-3-3 good suit with primes in the minors. Might be less frequent than yours, but we don't find problems with fragmentary jump shift rebids often, either.
On 1H-1N, however, we do use your 3NT bid to show 6 Hearts and more than a 3H rebid.
"Bidding Spades to show spades can work well." (Kenberg)
Posted 2013-December-27, 05:13
2N rebid for most would be forcing with 18+ points so a jump rebid should be about 7 playing tricks, 15-18 points and not forcing. With a stronger hand where I live it is normal to rebid 3N to show a game force with a long suit and 2N as a game force with a more balanced hand.
Over the jump rebid new suits are cues for me (ie agree the opening suit) but not sure if that is standard.
Over the jump rebid new suits are cues for me (ie agree the opening suit) but not sure if that is standard.
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