eagles123, on 2013-December-05, 17:09, said:
I play what the teacher tells me lol, it's only kinda basic system, so your methods might be useful pls
Well it depends what hands go through 2NT (mine does not include strong balanced). Transposing the hand I include with your strong balanced hand, the structure would be, 3♣ relay, then:
3♦ = a normal balanced hand (I guess 19 or good 18)
3♥♠NT = GF with 6+ clubs, showing feature (so on the actual hand you would bid 3NT to show both unbid suits stopped, 6 clubs and about 19-20 points)
Bids other than 3♣ (or 3NT) are natural, showing extreme distribution.
IMO, the convention is not very good to start with, because it is tactically right to respond on weak hands sometimes, but in your system you can't, because partner now forces to game with a balanced 19.