Posted 2013-November-18, 13:15
A "simple" 1♠ should be limited to 13 HCP at best. Perhaps a bad 14 is acceptable. But one wants to attempt to differentiate between hands where one is balancing and hands where one really has values.
On this hand, I would double. Over 1♦, I can bid 1♠ to show a real hand with a real suit.
If I double and pard bids 1♠, then my next move depends on partnership agreements. I have an agreement with my regular partner that a raise after a takeout double does not show extras, but guarantees 4 card support. A pass shows a minimum takeout double with 3 card support (less in rare cases). This applies in balancing situations as well.
With that agreement, I would probably bid 3♠ on these cards. 2♣ should be reserved for stronger hands.
Without any special agreement, I would bid 2♠ on these cards. That would show a real takeout double with at least 4 spades. It is a slight underbid, but I don't want to hang partner. If he has a legitimate hand we can still get to game.