Posted 2013-July-25, 16:44
1. Love all is the "bidder's vulnerability" at matchpoints. For instance, if you go one down in 1NT, opponents can probably make 1NT (-50 versus -90), and most of the time you will not be doubled, so you shouldn't be looking to pass these hands. You could make a case for pass at game all, since that is the wrong vulnerability to win the race to 1NT (-100 versus -90). However, 13 points is just a bit too eccentric, but it's good that you recognised this one is closer to 11.
2. If you play a weak NT (which I assumed you did), then opening one with some 5422 shapes can be best. Specifically, when you have four hearts and a five card minor, or 45m, it saves you the dreaded five-card rebid. If you have four spades, there is no rebid problem, so the minor should generally be preferred.