So I was playing in the loser swiss in the St Louis nationals, and I found a position that I think comes up fairly frequently (ie, more than once a year):
you have played two rounds of a suit. Both hands go up the line giving count, but a small card is missing. On the 3rd round, your first opponent plays the small card, and you "discover" that one of your opponents was falsecarding count.
My stipulation is that it is almost always the first opponent that is falsecarding count in that situation. He/she recognized that they should have falsecarded, was ashamed of it in the 2nd round of the suit, and then was forced to reveal the situation in the 3rd round. I know I've done it, and, what's more, I know that in a situation where I am falsecarding count I tend to give as big of a signal as I can afford and happily complete the signal on the next round.
That got me to thinking that this is a situation that I should probably play the same way - falsecard like I'm ashamed of having messed up (3-7-2) rather than in big gestures (7-2-3).
Are there any other subtle tells that you have found, and counters, to tell which opponent has falsecarded in other situations?
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Falsecard tendancies
Posted 2013-March-26, 16:08
If you are going to falsecard, then I think you should make it obvious, so playing hi-lo = even, would 7 first with 732. But I don't go with the assumption that first opponent is falsecarding. It is usually the one with most of the missing strength, as he knows his misdefence is not going to cause his partner to throw a trick away.
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