Zelandakh, on 2012-October-22, 05:04, said:
Here is my suggestion, a mix of Asptro, French and Multi-Landy:
X = 4+ hearts: either ♥ + ♦ + ♣, or 4♥ + longer minor, or ♥ + ♠ (spades > hearts)
2♣ = 4+ spades: either ♠ + ♥ + ♦, or 4♠ + longer minor, or ♠ + ♥ (hearts > spades)
2♦ = ♥ or ♠
2♥ = 5♥ + minor
2♠ = 5♠ + minor
2NT = minors
3m = natural
This gets you into the auction on all of the hands your existing systems do (plus some extras) while still differentiating between major suit lengths. You also get your major into the auction directly with the Asptro-like X/2♣ calls rather than the suits being completely unknown. Of course, none of this is GCC legal; but then again neither is your current defence.
That is somewhat somewhat common where I played in France, with the additional X=could be 55 majors, shown by rebidding spades on the next round while rebidding hearts shows 4
♠. When I moved to the US I made the seemingly natural fix to make that GCC: X=one suit, 2C=4
♥5X or 5
♠, 2D=4
♠5X, which is not as good but still works if you want to describe your shape well. I am actually still playing this with my regular partner, though I would now like to move to something with natural 2M overcalls (or multi 2
♦, but ACBL blablabla...).