I would pass, what else? Partner could not open the bidding and I have only 2 spades and only 19 points which includes the likely wasted king of diamonds. Maybe that analysis is too simplistic, but giving partner some hands like Jxxxxx Axx x Qxx slam is very poor to say the least.
I guess it's possible he's 5-5 in the blacks and slam is good in clubs but even then he might just have KJxxx Qx x Qxxxx or something.
Prefer 3n vs x even though Kx not the best stopper
in histroy of game has to be better than 2 less spades
than promised.
After our x we have boxed ourselves into a corner. If
we had bid 3n we would have no problems trusting p to
have long spades here that is not necessarily the case
after our x and we might even be better of in one of
the rounded suits than spades.
South passed and North had Kxxxxx Axxxx - xx. I guess this should be a 6D bid over 5D, but I wonder what North should do with something like 6403 and the same high cards.