A humorous situation from last night caused a discussion about terminology. There are various plays that have named, like coups and en passants and winkles and the like. However, there are many insanity situations that are intricate and as interesting, perhaps, but without names. For example, there should be a name for the version of crocodile coup where the opponents crash their Ace and stiff King of trumps together. Maybe Caiman Coup?
The one that came up last night could perhaps be called the Non-Throw-In? We have been looking for a name. The end position, with spades as trumps, was that Dummy had the K-J in trumps, with a diamond. East held the A-Q-9 of trumps. Declarer held the 10 of trumps and two hearts.
When Declarer called for the diamond from Dummy, East played the spade 9 and South the 10. East, thinking that she had won the trick, was then endplayed and had to yield a spade trick, cashing the spade Ace out of turn. So, Declarer found the line for two of the last three tricks -- a Non-Throw-In or Non-Endplay.
Any better names?
Any other candidates for named misplays?
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Named Plays?
Posted 2012-February-17, 09:01
"Gibberish in, gibberish out. A trial judge, three sets of lawyers, and now three appellate judges cannot agree on what this law means. And we ask police officers, prosecutors, defense lawyers, and citizens to enforce or abide by it? The legislature continues to write unreadable statutes. Gibberish should not be enforced as law."
-P.J. Painter.
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2012-February-17, 09:36
There should be a name for crashing AKs in ludicrous circumstances. We played a pair over 8 boards in a county A team match, and they managed to crash the ♠AK 3 times. Only one do I have any sympathy for, I overcalled in diamonds with ♠Jxxxx ♦KQ10xx and when dummy decked ♠Qx in 2♦, the man with ♠Kxxxx didn't expect to see his partner's ace when I played small towards the Q early.
The most ludicrous was to an auction of 3♠-X-4♠-X, the man with ♠Kx led the K fully deserving stiff Q or A opposite but finding Ax, never mind, his partner was still there, overtook and played one back
I forget the third one, which was somewhere between the other 2 in stupidity.
My other curio is the 2 way non ruffing finesse for a K.
Dummy has 2 trumps and side AQ, declarer has 2 trumps and xx in the side suit. RHO has a small penalty card in the side suit, if you return to hand with a trump, RHO will discard the penalty card, so you can lead the Q from dummy or return to hand and take the finesse.
The most ludicrous was to an auction of 3♠-X-4♠-X, the man with ♠Kx led the K fully deserving stiff Q or A opposite but finding Ax, never mind, his partner was still there, overtook and played one back
I forget the third one, which was somewhere between the other 2 in stupidity.
My other curio is the 2 way non ruffing finesse for a K.
Dummy has 2 trumps and side AQ, declarer has 2 trumps and xx in the side suit. RHO has a small penalty card in the side suit, if you return to hand with a trump, RHO will discard the penalty card, so you can lead the Q from dummy or return to hand and take the finesse.
Posted 2012-February-17, 11:44
Cyberyeti, on 2012-February-17, 09:36, said:
There should be a name for crashing AKs in ludicrous circumstances. We played a pair over 8 boards in a county A team match, and they managed to crash the ♠AK 3 times. Only one do I have any sympathy for, I overcalled in diamonds with ♠Jxxxx ♦KQ10xx and when dummy decked ♠Qx in 2♦, the man with ♠Kxxxx didn't expect to see his partner's ace when I played small towards the Q early.
The most ludicrous was to an auction of 3♠-X-4♠-X, the man with ♠Kx led the K fully deserving stiff Q or A opposite but finding Ax, never mind, his partner was still there, overtook and played one back
I forget the third one, which was somewhere between the other 2 in stupidity.
My other curio is the 2 way non ruffing finesse for a K.
Dummy has 2 trumps and side AQ, declarer has 2 trumps and xx in the side suit. RHO has a small penalty card in the side suit, if you return to hand with a trump, RHO will discard the penalty card, so you can lead the Q from dummy or return to hand and take the finesse.
The most ludicrous was to an auction of 3♠-X-4♠-X, the man with ♠Kx led the K fully deserving stiff Q or A opposite but finding Ax, never mind, his partner was still there, overtook and played one back
I forget the third one, which was somewhere between the other 2 in stupidity.
My other curio is the 2 way non ruffing finesse for a K.
Dummy has 2 trumps and side AQ, declarer has 2 trumps and xx in the side suit. RHO has a small penalty card in the side suit, if you return to hand with a trump, RHO will discard the penalty card, so you can lead the Q from dummy or return to hand and take the finesse.
The case where you lose only one trick to an outstanding AK via a crash does have a name: The Idiot Coup
The physics is theoretical, but the fun is real. - Sheldon Cooper
Posted 2012-February-17, 12:02
My favourite hand was a pseudo positional squeeze, which is not the same thing as a positional pseudo squeeze. I was in a slam off two aces, LHO had cashed one and then not found his partner's ace. My only play for the contract was a positional squeeze on LHO, which seemed rather unlikely to work. When RHO decided to pitch out of turn at T11, she squeezed herself.
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