Posted 2012-February-17, 02:40
Let's see if I can figure out the danger hand scenerios:
When LHO is AJx xxxx Tx AQJx, I can go down if I play on richard's line, a heart to the Q and a club up, because they just take the ace, give their partner a heart ruff, and wait for me to misguess trump (which I will invariably do). I'm going to reject that line for now, and all lines that have me play on hearts before pulling all of the trump.
You know, on the bidding and play I strongly suspect diamonds are 6-2 (RHO has no 4 card major, no values, and could have passed 1♣ with 4-4 or 4-3 in the minors, since he has no reason to believe 1D will improve the contract). If that's the case, I think I have a solid line as long as the club ace is onsides - which it rates to be even for a 3rd hand 1♣ call. I'm more certain of that than the location of the spade ace for sure. I'm going to play the K of spades from dummy. If either righty or lefty take the A and return a diamond, I'm going to run the 7 of spades next, overtaking with the 8 in hand. If they duck the king, I'll run the 7 anyway (overtaking again). RHO can't get in to cash his diamond...unless he has Axx of spades and makes two clever ducks...hmmm
I think I'll pay off to a clever RHO with that holding in spades. That's my line: King of spades, 7 of spades overtaking, win something in hand & pull the rest of the trump, use the 5th heart to pitch a diamond and a club if they don't take them.
Chris Gibson