One of my partners held this hand yesterday while I was kibbing "his hand". He bid 3
♥, and I thought that was crazy. He disagreed, but I said I would post it on the forums, but that he should pay attention to comments from some of the senior posters like Gnasher and Han (ok, Cherdano is a good proxy
). WD (IMO) to jmcw, wellspyder, mike777 and andy_h.
I'll make the case for pass. I don't know if I will change any of the minds of the "3
♥ WTP " crowd, but I hope that you will listen and understand why some really good players are passing.
1. We've already shown a good 5-6. If you don't agree, here are a few reasons:
a) We are forcing the auction to the 3 level;
b) We are bidding spades into LHO's TOx. Therefore we should have a good hand.
c) We are potentially competing for a part score, while offering up a sizable number.
2. If you accept #1 as truth, then you should realize that you've already shown a good 5-6. Partner knows this and passed over 3
♦. Either partner wants to defend 3
♦ or partner has no interest in bidding. Good players don't bid their partner's hand.
Here's the full layout:
I thought he caught a great dummy for 3
♥ (his partner should probably bid 3
♥ IMO), and the contract drifted two off (there was a misclaim at the end).
♦ looks interesting, but I think it has problems on heart, heart, diamond finesse losing, heart. If declarer draws trump, he can lose a club and pitch a spade on the 4th club, but there is still a losing heart. If declarer abandons trumps, then the defense can sacrifice their spade trick for an overruff.
Some of the comments so far are pretty amusing. I especially laughed at the implications of "we might have a game".
The best comment I've heard from the 3
♥ bidders is from Mr. Ace about the wisdom of 2
♠ itself and I think he has a good point. Its unusual that playing spades will be right, so why give the defense a roadmap?