P_Marlowe, on 2011-June-09, 03:53, said:
My feeling is, that the raise with 3 cards and a bal. hand
is one of those things, that show only up, if one plays a strong 1 NT opening.
It is possible, that I am overlooking something.
is one of those things, that show only up, if one plays a strong 1 NT opening.
It is possible, that I am overlooking something.
If you play a weak NT, the balanced hands that open in a suit are less likely to have a small doubleton.
On the other hand, playing a strong nt, it is problematic to raise on three when you have a minimum with no shortness. You also make the single raise with a minimum with 4-card support and a singleton, so if responder has some 9-10 points with a 5-card in his suit, you can come too high. Also, if responder's next bid is 2NT, you really want to pass, but
is probably played as forcing.
Playing a weak nt you don't have those problems as the lack of trump support and ruffing value is compensated by extra hcps. So you will have less opportunities to raise on three with a balance hand, but you will be more comfortable when you do.