You play Lebensohl.
What's your call
Posted 2013-December-19, 06:25
That was the theory.
Btw, if I start with 2NT, definitely a possibility, I still must choose after pard's 3♣ whether to play it there or convert to 3♦. I am converting to 3♦ on the same reasoning as above.
Posted 2013-December-19, 07:20
Posted 2013-December-19, 07:31
Posted 2013-December-19, 07:36
(2M)-3m instead of Doubling is already big but, with even bigger, Doubler can bid higher than 3m after Lieben.
Posted 2013-December-19, 08:07
cherdano, on 2013-December-19, 07:20, said:
And after 3♣ from partner, you leave it in clubs or convert to diamonds?
I don't dispute that this hand is slim for a 3 level bid but it still presents a problem of choosing a strain.
I see the Lebenscramble of aqua above, but we were not playing that.
I am expecting to make this if we play in our fit, and not make this if we do not play in our fit. So....?
Posted 2013-December-19, 09:33
kenberg, on 2013-December-19, 08:07, said:
Neither were we, until I saw this post, recalled the frequency of this problem, and made it up --fully expecting someone to improve on it.
Posted 2013-December-19, 09:39
kenberg, on 2013-December-19, 08:07, said:
I doubt it matters, but I would pass. I guess our clubs are slightly better than our diamonds. I don't know whether there is a big difference between doubling with 2=4=5=2 versus 2=4=2=5. What I do know is that 3♣ isn't doubled yet.
Posted 2013-December-19, 09:49
Posted 2013-December-19, 10:44
In my case, pard has Ax in one minor, Axxx in the other. Better guess right.
I am interested n how people choose. IF I regard the hand as strong enough to skip Leb then it seems 3♦ is definitely preferable to 3♣. If partner, over my 3m, bids 3♠ I will be much happier bidding 4♣ after my 3♦ than I would be with 4♦ after my 3♣.
But I accept that 2NT is probably the better choice, leaving me with placing the contract after pard completes the relay. My minors, on the hand I held, were ♦ QT63 and ♣ QT62. This will play better opposite Axxx than opposite Ax.

Maybe it's a coin toss. My coin was not my friend.. We had a decent game despite this and a couple of other disasters.
Posted 2013-December-19, 10:53
Posted 2013-December-19, 14:02
I bid 3♣ because I thought 2NT was too unilateral with poor shape, expecting partner to correct if short in clubs. I suspect 3♣ would be the favorite if I held xx Qxx Kxxx Kxxx.
I got raised to 5, but this isn't an ATB post.
Posted 2013-December-19, 16:54
hautbois, on 2013-December-19, 14:02, said:
I bid 3♣ because I thought 2NT was too unilateral with poor shape, expecting partner to correct if short in clubs. I suspect 3♣ would be the favorite if I held xx Qxx Kxxx Kxxx.
I got raised to 5, but this isn't an ATB post.
Right, somewhere along the line I lost interest in blame, although discussion of who might have done what differently is always of interest.The hand was at a District 6 STaC which stands for Sectional Tournament in clubs or some such.
Maybe it should be a different thread, but I think it is worth discussing the following: Given (2♠-X-(Pass)-? suyppose that you are 4-4 in the minors. Suppose you play Leb, and suppose that the hand is strong enough to warrant a call of 3m (i accept that the one we had wasn't). Which m do you choose?
Take the simpler case: (1♣-X-(Pass). Suppose thta you are 4-4 in the majors but lack the strength to bid 2♣. I choose 1♠ and I regard it as standard. The auction is unlikely to die there and if it does you are probably not taking ten tricks, so you will get another chance top show your hearts. For example: (1♣-X-(Pass)-1♠-(2♣)-Pass-(Pass)-?. You have an easy 2♥ bid while if you had started with 1♥ you might be unhappy about bidding 2♠.
So does this reasoning apply after (2♠)-X-(Pass)-?. I think that it does. You have to allow that the auction might not die there. Partner might bid 3♠, or perhaps tthe opponents will, at any rate your hand might be such that you would like to now bid your other minor, and you will be a lot happier if you started with diamonds.
As mentioned above, I have no great interest in ATB, but I am often curious about the hands after the discussion has run its course, so I hope you don't mind my posting them. The original discussion has pretty much run its course, with strong opinion in favor of 2NT.
I guess playing in 5♣ is better than playing in 3♦. If no one doubles, that is.
You play Lebensohl.