I accept that they are weak and lack whatever the computer equivalent of "judgement" might be.
I just use them to practice counting or as opps in bidding practice. But why oh why are they programmed to transfer to bad 4 card suits? It makes bidding impossible. Just now had the auction 2C-2D-2NT-3D-3H-3S-4C-4S-5D-6H-P. Dummy came down with 4-4 in the majors and little in HCP outside the QJ of spades. Why not stayman (or puppet if that's what they play)?
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Those aggravating BOTS
Posted 2008-September-06, 06:14
hey hey
it always works against me
they almost never ask for aces
and almost always find a way to bid game after you balance
I just keep chugging along to try and figure them out
it always works against me
they almost never ask for aces
and almost always find a way to bid game after you balance
I just keep chugging along to try and figure them out
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