You are vul against not, IMPs
Hold back... or go for it again?
Posted 2007-May-25, 02:28
- hrothgar
Posted 2007-May-25, 02:31
Posted 2007-May-25, 02:34
If they psyched, wd, I didn't catch them.
- hrothgar
Posted 2007-May-25, 03:09
After reading the psycke suggestion I though a bit more, but I don't think this is a psycke for many reason. Double would be reasonable but not my style.
Posted 2007-May-25, 04:14
Posted 2007-May-25, 04:47
typically rho will hold diamond points and length so i think that playing partner for 3 hearts and some useful spots is a good bet. on the other hand if they are very strong and they nail us its no good.
Posted 2007-May-25, 05:39
Posted 2007-May-25, 07:48
X should be penalties but isn't right.
George Carlin
Posted 2007-May-25, 08:04
Usually pass, though.
Posted 2007-May-25, 08:08
My reasoning, which doesn't fill me with confidence, is that RHO has either perpetrated one of the best psyches I have encountered or he has a hand with something like 10 or 11 cards in the pointed suits. It is possible, I suppose, that he has a strong hcp hand, but most such start with 3♠.
Now, at the table, I'd probably is easier to be brave in front of a computer screen, where I don't have to play the hand out in 5♥ doubled!
Seriously, tho, can RHO really have a big hand and bid 4♠ when we hold A10xx in that suit? Surely he has long spades and a ♦ fit/tolerance for this auction?
Posted 2007-May-25, 08:44
FrancesHinden, on May 25 2007, 03:24 AM, said:
3♦ P 4♠ ??
You are vul against not, IMPs
Nice problem hand
After much thought, (I hope I can keep close to tempo ATT! I'll even remind them to put the Stop! on the table if RHO didn't.)
I'm passing.
We're at Unfavorable playing IMPs. The consequences of overbidding could not be worse.
There are 2 reasonable meanings I can think of for RHO's bid
a= Fit Showing Jump like bid
b= Power bid with self sufficient trumps ♠KQJxxx(x)♥A?♦?♣AK?
IOW, an ~17 count with a S suit that will play for 1 loser opposite a stiff Sx.
The other possibilities I can think of
"c"= RHO misbid
"d"= RHO is insane.
I think "a" should be alertable?
If so, w/o an alert IMHO the odds favor passing.
Posted 2007-May-25, 08:49
I am strongly tempted to bid 5♥, however, I'm quite anemic for the bid.
I don't trust the 4♠ raise at all, however, I'm worried that if partner has a hand where 5♥ rates to be a good contract, he'll raise to a bad slam...
Mark me down as a regretful passer
Posted 2007-May-25, 09:32
This possibility scares the heck out of me, as it does other posters here, but what can you do? If RHO has his bid and you bid 5♥ it could be a blood bath, if it is a psyche, your partner holding spades will be handcuffed, as his double would be takeout. If they got you, they got you.
#16 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2007-May-25, 10:19
Posted 2007-May-27, 04:54
Jlall, on May 25 2007, 05:19 PM, said:
It is worse than a double game swing, I am afraid.
Before revealing the full horror of this hand, I should warn you that this was in the last league match of the season, after the winner of the league had already been determined, so there was a certain air of frivolity. My teammates were NS on this deal.
3♦ P 4♠ all pass
NS 200
see the other thread for what happened at the other table...
Posted 2007-May-27, 10:12
- hrothgar
Posted 2007-May-30, 02:20
FrancesHinden, on May 25 2007, 03:24 AM, said:
| 3♦ P 4♠ ? |
You are vul against not, IMPs
IMO P = 10, 5 ♥ = 6, X = 4.
RHO imay well hold something like
[A] ♠ KQxxxx ♥ - ♦ Axxxx ♣ Ax
when 4 ♠ is touch and go and 5 ♥ may be OK
but RHO may hold a misfit mountain like
[B] ♠ KQJxxxx ♥ AJ ♦ - ♣ AKQx
with 4 ♠ making on pure power and 5 ♥ a disaster.
3♦ P 4♠ ?